---To the people of Austria,
Today we march to war in order to protect our way of life and safeguard our nation. The Czech government has supported dangerous lawless elements within Austria and has fully demonstrated itself to be an existential threat to Austria and her people. We march today to ensure Czechia will no longer threaten Austria and no longer has the capacity to do so in the future. Our campaign will be swift, well-executed, and limited only to dismantling the imminent threat we face and nothing more. We do not seek to occupy Czech land or to destroy the Czech people, but to demonstrate to the Czech government the error of its ways. They will undoubtedly counter us, claim we have lied to the world, posit that it is we who are supporting dangerous elements, but do not be deceived by their lies! Do not be taken in by their propaganda! Our cause is righteous and just, and with Victoria's support we march to a justified war that shall hopefully end quickly and show the Czech government the cost of dealing in the shadows.
Hours after the announcement, Austrian infantry moved across the border and engaged with Czech border guards. Armored units brought up the rear while lighter units made diverging paths for the two halves of the Czech state, intending to force responses from both of the known Czech commands and preventing easy reinforcement while simultaneously conducting a SEAD campaign and air superiority mission with Austrian fighter jets. Austria hoped initial shock and awe could displace the majority of Czech units and even force a retreat, however the military was well aware that the Czech army far outnumbered the Landstreitkräfte. Speed and overwhelming force was almost a necessity, if not outright foreign intervention.
OOC: Austria (EU23) and Czechia (EU21) are now at war.
Austrian movements:
To Territory 127:
2 units Artillery
2 units Infantry, Light
3 units Mechanized
1 unit Armor
5 units Fighters
To Territory 128:
2 units Artillery
2 units Infantry, Light
2 units Infantry, Mechanized
2 units Infantry, Motorized
1 unit Armor
5 units Fighters
Defending these territories are:
Territory 127:
3 units Artillery
4 units Infantry, Light
3 units Infantry, Motorized
1 unit Armor
8 units Fighters
1 unit Bombers
2 units Helicopters
Territory 128:
3 units Artillery
6 units Infantry, Light
2 units Infantry, Mechanized
3 units Infantry, Motorized
3 units Armor
7 units Fighters
2 units Bombers
2 units Helicopters