With the General Staff putting the finishing touches on the Imperial Reclamation Campaigns the need to further expand the Imperial Armed Forces is significant. In line with this the training of 120,000 new soldiers, construction of 800 artillery units, 600 armoured units and 120 MiG-19s have been ordered with expected completion within a year.
To allow for these new forces as well as future programs direct investments into the industrial capacity of the Empire have become unavoidable. As such over the next year the industrial capacity will be significantly expanded (4 points).
Both of these developments are expected to provide the Russian Empire with the ability to overpower any single state within the territory of Russia proper.
While the long-term strategy is important, in the more immediate term Operation Daniel is the planned first strike to regain territory that was taken from the Empire. The Moscow Administration poses the most immediate and nearest threat to the interests of the Russian Empire, furthermore it is believed that its recent communications with other communists could make it the most likely to build its own sphere of influence. Perhaps much more important than that, without Moscow one can only claim to a limited extent to truly be Russia. The Imperial banner flying over the Kremlin is considered by many to be sufficiently intimidating to the world and other remnants that the Empire is truly back.
In line with these objectives a truly massive operation is planned. 300,000 soldiers, 12,000 mechanized vehicles, 2,000 artillery units, 150 T-10s, 500 T-55s and 1,000 T-56s have been ordered to move to the provinces bordering the Moscow Administration and secure all land access routes. 600 MiG-19s have been redirected to air bases within range of the border and most of the Moscow Administration with a no fly zone declared over the provinces bordering it. All communications to the Moscow Administration have been cut off and Imperial Intelligence has been ordered to monitor all outgoing communications and the embassy district of St. Petersburg for any party seeking to warn the communists of what is going to come.